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IDFI 建立了一个由世界领先的技术、非政府组织和机构战略合作伙伴组成的生态系统,致力于将政府和机构与正在改变世界的数字金融/金融技术解决方案联系起来。

Zhejiang Association of Fintech (ZAFT)

The Zhejiang Association of FinTech (ZAFT), is a non-profit organization overseen by the Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Financial Regulation, and jointly founded by Zhejiang University Academy of Internet Finance, Ant Group and China Zheshang Bank (CZBANK). ZAFT is supported widely across financial and fintech-related institutions, and is officially registered as a 5A-rated social organization in Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. Since its establishment, the ZAFT has taken the mission of “Capitalizes and invigorates industry”, “Employs humanistic pragmatism”, “With the tide of Qiantang”, and “Leads the world”. ZAFT is actively bridging between corporates and governments, guiding along industry regulations and researching around the industrial innovations. The ZAFT strives to build a global fintech ecosystem, to accelerate Zhejiang as a pioneer province in digital finance and to promote a sustainable development in Chinese economy.

浙江数字金融科技联合会 (ZAFT)

浙江数字金融科技联合会(原浙江互联网金融联合会)是由浙江省地方金融监督管理局担任业务主管单位,浙江大学金融科技研究院、蚂蚁集团、浙商银行联合发起,财通证券、浙商证券等持牌金融机构和连连支付、之江实验室(金融科技研究中心)等金融科技行业领先的机构、企业及组织共同组建,并在浙江省民政厅正式注册的行业自律性质的AAAAA社会团体。 成立以来,浙江数字金融科技联合会以“资政兴业、经世致用、潮起钱塘、引领全球”为使命,积极搭建政企沟通桥梁,加强行业监督引导,开展行业创新研究,致力于打造具有全球影响力的金融科技行业生态,助推浙江数智金融先行省建设,促进浙江乃至全国经济高质量可持续发展。

International Monetary Institute (IMI)

International Monetary Institute (IMI) is a non-profit academic institution and think tank focusing on research on monetary finance theory, policy and strategy. Taking the discipline framework and thinking model of “the General Theory of Macro-Finance”, IMI follows the principle of connecting East and West, linking up academic studies, serving government and public, and seeking truth from facts. Aiming to build a world-class think tank focusing on the studies on international financial theory, strategy and policy in an international, professional and featured approach, IMI has been proved very fruitful in promoting academic exchanges, serving society, facilitating practices of financial reform at home and abroad and facilitating cultivation of financial talents “who are able to flexibly move between the East and West cultural platforms.” IMI is dedicated to the cutting-edge theoretical researches in international finance, macroeconomy, money and banking, fintech, financial regulation and regional finance; and coordinately promotes fundamental theoretical and empirical study, as well as researches on strategies and application. IMI has forged a large number of research outcomes with important academic and political influence, which has greatly contributed to the development of China’s financial theory and reform.

国际货币研究所 (IMI)

中国人民大学国际货币研究所(IMI)成立于2009年12月20日,是专注于货币金融理论、政策与战略研究的非营利性学术研究机构和新型专业智库。研究所秉承“大金融”学科框架和思维范式,以“融贯中西、传承学脉、咨政启民、实事求是”为宗旨,走国际化、专业化和特色化发展道路,在科学研究、国际交流、咨政启民以及培养“能够在东西方两个文化平台上自由漫步”的国际金融人才等方面卓有成效。 研究所长期将科研视角聚焦于国际金融、宏观经济、金融科技、财富管理、金融监管、货币银行、地方金融等领域,逐步打造了一支高水平、年轻化、专业化的研究团队,形成了《人民币国际化报告》、《金融机构国际化报告》、《中国财富管理报告》、《天府金融指数报告》、《宏观经济月度分析报告》、《金融科技二十讲》等一大批具有重要学术和政策影响力的科研成果。

浙江大学上海高等研究院 (SIAS)

浙江大学上海高等研究院(以下简称“高研院”)是上海市人民政府与浙江大学合作共建的新型研发机构,于2020年12月16日注册成立。高研院重点围绕前沿基础和关键核心技术突破,打造集“计算+”全球人才引育高地、交叉学科研究范式创新引擎和长三角创新创业生态圈于一体的重大科创平台,助推上海市加快建成具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,推进浙江大学中国特色世界一流大学建设,成为支撑长三角一体化发展的重要标杆和创新载体。 高研院以“突破关键核心技术的尖兵、集聚一流创新人才的平台、服务辐射区域发展的标杆、深化体制机制创新的典范”为目标,立足国家重大战略需求,汇聚国际顶尖人才,开展前沿科学研究与颠覆性技术研发,推进科技创新与产业发展协同互动,经过若干年努力,形成全球顶尖的“计算+”人才汇聚高地,建成全球领先的“计算+”学科会聚平台,构建全球最佳的“计算+”创新生态系统。 坚持“面向未来、引领创新、链接全球、支撑发展”的原则,围绕“计算+”的基础理论、模型算力、学科交叉赋能应用场景的功能布局,高研院构建了“1+3+X”的全链条创新生态系统,即1个“计算+AI”前沿研究基地,3个“计算+”创新实验室(“计算+金融”“计算+工程”“计算+生物”)以及多个特色平台及联合创新研发机构等。

Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study of Zhejiang University (SIAS)

Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study of Zhejiang University (SIAS) is a jointly launched new institution of research and development by Shanghai Municipal Government and Zhejiang University in December, 2020. The platform represents an intersection of technology and economic development, serving as a market leading trail blazer to cultivate a novel community for innovation amongst enterprises. SIAS is keen to address to national needs of sustainable development of human society, to help Shanghai in becoming the global hub for science and technology, as well as to nurture high-end talents for Zhejiang University. The key mission of the institute is to carry out cutting-edge scientific research that promotes synergy between technological innovation and industrial development. SIAS will aim to become a global leader in forming the world-class ‘Computing +’ ecosystem. SIAS focuses on the basic theory of ‘Computing +’ and strives to build ‘1+3+X’ full-chain innovation ecosystem, namely 1 ‘Computing + Artificial Intelligence’ frontier research base; 3 ‘Computing + Innovation laboratories’ (‘Computing + Finance’, ‘Computing + Engineering’, ‘Computing +Biology’) and multiple service and support platforms. SIAS is seeking top talents working on the frontiers of computational sciences who can envision and actualize a research program that will bring out new solutions to areas include, but not limited to artificial intelligence, computational biology, computational engineering and fintech.
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