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IDFI 建立了一个由世界领先的技术、非政府组织和机构战略合作伙伴组成的生态系统,致力于将政府和机构与正在改变世界的数字金融/金融技术解决方案联系起来。

全球区块链商业委员会 (GBBC)

全球区块链商业委员会 (GBBC) 是区块链技术和数字资产社区最大的领先行业协会。全球区块链商业委员会 于 2017 年在达沃斯成立,是一家总部位于瑞士的非营利组织,拥有 500 多家机构成员和 231 名大使,遍布 109 个司法管辖区和学科。该组织致力于通过召集监管机构、商界领袖和全球变革者来促进合作和推动对话,从而创建更加安全、公平和实用的社会,从而推动区块链技术的应用。 全球区块链商业委员会 数字金融(GDF)是 全球区块链商业委员会在英国的金融服务部门。GDF 专注于通过与市场参与者、政策制定者和监管者共同参与论坛,制定行为标准,从而采用加密资产和数字金融技术的最佳实践。 InterWork联盟(InterWork Alliance,IWA)是 全球区块链商业委员会 的一项倡议,它使组织能够在日常运营中跨用例和网络来采用和使用代币驱动的服务,为全球分布式应用带来包容性。 BITA标准委员会(BITA)是GBBC的全球运输和商务倡议。全球区块链商业委员会的 BITA 计划由具有共同愿景的全球公司组成,旨在利用区块链技术定义和发展开源供应链标准。

Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC)

Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) is the largest leading industry association for the blockchain technology and digital assets community. Launched in Davos in 2017, GBBC is a Swiss-based non-profit, with more than 500 institutional members, and 231 Ambassadors across 109 jurisdictions and disciplines. The organization is dedicated to furthering adoption of blockchain technology by convening regulators, business leaders, and global changemakers to foster collaboration and advance dialogue to create more secure, equitable, and functional societies. GBBC Digital Finance (GDF) is the UK-based financial services division of GBBC. GDF focuses on the adoption of best practices for cryptoassets and digital finance technologies through the development of conduct standards in a shared engagement forum with market participants, policymakers, and regulators. InterWork Alliance (IWA), an initiative of GBBC, empowers organizations to adopt and use token-powered services in their day-to-day operations, across use cases and networks, bringing inclusivity to globally distributed applications. BITA Standards Council (BITA) is GBBC’s global transportation and commerce initiative. GBBC’s BITA initiative consists of global companies with a shared vision to leverage blockchain technology to define and grow open-source supply chain standards.

Global Fintech Institute

Global Fintech Institute Ltd. (GFI), registered under UEN no.: 202008063H, is a publicly incorporated company limited by guarantee in March 2020. Positioned in Singapore, GFI operates as a non-profit organization, independent of any university affiliation, yet with a global outlook. GFI's primary objectives encompass establishing global recognition as a professional credentialing body for fintech practitioners, accrediting fintech education programs on an international scale, and cultivating a Singapore-centered global hub for certified fintech professionals and enterprises. GFI is deeply committed to advancing financial inclusion. Through its digital finance and fintech initiatives, GFI aspires to democratize access to financial services, empowering individuals to acquire essential digital finance competencies while actively contributing to the creation of a more inclusive, fair, and accessible global financial landscape.


全球金融科技研究院有限公司(GFI)是一家于 2020 年 3 月注册成立的公共担保有限公司,注册号为 202008063H。GFI 设在新加坡,是一家非营利组织,独立于任何大学,但具有全球视野。 GFI 的主要目标包括建立全球认可的金融科技从业人员专业资格认证机构,在国际范围内对金融科技教育项目进行认证,并为经过认证的金融科技专业人员和企业建立一个以新加坡为中心的全球中心。 GFI 致力于推进普惠金融。通过其数字金融和金融科技计划,GFI 致力于实现金融服务的民主化,让个人获得基本的数字金融能力,同时积极推动建立一个更加包容、公平和便利的全球金融环境。


浙江大学创立于1897年,是一所历史悠久、声誉卓著的高等学府。在长期的办学历程中,学校始终秉承以“求是创新”为校训的优良传统,以天下为己任、以真理为依归,逐步形成了“海纳江河、启真厚德、开物前民、树我邦国”的浙大精神,着力培养德智体美劳全面发展、具有全球竞争力的高素质创新人才和领导者,也涌现出大批著名科学家、文化大师以及各行各业的精英翘楚,为实现中华民族伟大复兴、推进人类文明交流互鉴作出了积极贡献。 立足中国、面向全球,浙江大学国际联合商学院(ZIBS)秉持国际(International)、跨界(Interdisciplinary)、创新(Innovative)、开放(Inclusive)、融合(Integrative)的“5i”办学理念,以全球化、数智化、生态化为战略支柱,致力于打造来自中国的领先的科创型全球化商学院。ZIBS具有鲜明的中国特色,顺应全球新经济时代的潮流,旨在培养负责任、有抱负的领导者,构建一个横跨政产学研创的一体化、全球化的生态系统。 ZIBS目前设有工商管理硕士(iMBA)、金融硕士(iMF)、全球传播与商务硕士(MCM)、中国学硕士(MCS)、戏剧与影视硕士(数字媒体艺术方向)(iMFA)、数据科学与工程硕士(iMDS)六个研究生学位项目,一个全球传播与管理学士(GCM)留学生本科学位项目,及高管教育项目(EEP)。学院扎根于浙江大学的深厚底蕴,正在以创新的方式应对二十一世纪的商业挑战。学院具有鲜明的中国特色,顺应全球新经济时代的潮流,以培养负责任、有抱负的领导者,打造一个横跨政产学研创的一体化、全球化的生态系统为目标。

Zhejiang University International Business School

Established in 1897, Zhejiang University (ZJU) is located in the historical and picturesque city of Hangzhou. ZJU has always adhered to the tradition of “Seeking Truth and Pursuing Innovation” as the university motto, with the world development as its responsibility and pursuit for truth as its goal. It is the spirit of ZJU and the common values for all ZJUers to develop a mind as broad as the vast ocean embracing all streams and all rivers, and a soul seeking truth and believing in virtues, to be innovative and pioneering, and to construct and consolidate our country. The University strives to nurture high-caliber innovators and future leaders with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetic beauty, and global competitiveness. Under the cultivation of Zhejiang University, a large number of famous scientists, cultural masters, and elites from all walks of life have emerged, making contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations. Based in China and with a global focus, Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS) aims to build a science & technology-focused premier global business school from China, by upholding the 5 "i" philosophy of being “international, interdisciplinary, innovative, inclusive and integrative”, with continued emphases on 3 strategic pillars - Global ZIBS, Digital ZIBS, and the ZIBS Ecosystem. ZIBS offers six postgraduate programs, namely Master of China Studies (MCS), Master in Communication and Management (MCM), international Master of Business Administration (iMBA), international Master of Finance (iMF), international Master of Fine Arts (iMFA) and international Master of Data Science (iMDS), one undergraduate program in Global Communication and Management (GCM) for international students, as well as executive education programs and customized training programs.

Fudan International School of Finance

Fudan International School of Finance (FISF for short) is a business school founded on the basis of the management model and standard of a world-class business school focusing on high-end financial talent cultivation and academic think tank research in the financial field. The school was founded at the end of 2016 and officially started school in June 2017, with a core teaching faculty consisting of excellent scholars recruited worldwide. Sticking to the school mission of “broadening the global vision, serving national financial strategies, shaping top financial talents and achieving leading financial think tanks” and the “Three World-class” goal of “world-class academic research and discipline construction, world-class teaching projects and high-end talent cultivation and world-class think tank research and social influence”, the school has developed into a truly internationalized world-top financial school that occupies the commanding point of global financial discipline, has international influence and discursive power, can actually answer and settle major real-world problems existing in the development of the financial industry. The school contributes its own strength to the innovative drives, transformation and upgrading at national, local and enterprise levels. FISF has managed to recruit and organize a top international teaching team consisting of 55 people, including 24 full-time professors, 21 distinguished and practice professors and 10 visiting and chair professors. Among the staff, all the senior professors have acquired tenured titles in globally renowned business schools, and act as academic pacesetters in their respective fields of financial and economic disciplines, having a wide knowledge of both ancient and modern times and of both China and western countries. Meanwhile, practice professors, visiting professors and part-time professors from various international organizations, government units and senior management of enterprise institutions are all willing to set an example by personally taking part in the financial practices taught to students, helping them integrate knowledge and action and pursue excellence and perfection. So far, FISF has officially launched a series of programs, including financial undergraduate (oriented to fintech), Elite Master of Finance, Advanced Master of Finance, Financial MBA, Financial EMBA and CUHK-FISF Joint DBA, and has made fruitful achievements in the Executive Education Public Course and internal training courses. Additionally, the innovatively launched Online Financial Education of Fudan University has become a whole new, golden name card for Fudan University. Meanwhile, the dual degree program between FISF and Columbia Engineering is being promoted comprehensively, and a financial doctoral program is also to be officially launched, further contributing to the construction of an internationalized high-end financial education product series most complete in China. The school has two campuses at Handan Campus of Fudan University and Huangpu, Shanghai. With a location in an advantageous financial area, first-rate hardware facilities, and a rich financial academic culture, FISF aims to fully serve the construction and development of government authorities, financial institutions and enterprise organizations, as well as the planning and implementation of national strategies like Shanghai International Financial Center and Global Science and Technology Innovation Center.


复旦大学国际金融学院(Fudan International School of Finance,简称FISF)是按照国际一流商学院管理模式和标准创办,专注于高端金融人才培养和金融领域学术智库研究的商学院。学院于2016年底成立,2017年06月正式办学,由全球招募的优秀学者组成核心师资团队。 学院以“立足国际金融视野、服务国家金融战略、塑造顶级金融人才、成就顶级金融智库”为办学使命,以“学术研究和学科建设一流、教学项目和高端人才培养一流、智库研究和社会影响力一流”为办学目标,力争建设成为占据全球金融学科制高点,具有国际影响力和话语权,能够切实回答并解决金融行业发展的重大现实问题,为国家、地方、企业的创新驱动和转型升级献计献力的真正国际化的世界顶级金融学院。 学院在全球范围成功招募组建了一支56人规模的国际顶级师资团队,包含25位全职教授、21位特聘及实践教授、10位客座及礼聘教授。其中资深教授全部获得国际一流商学院终身教职,并在金融经济学科各个领域担任学科带头人,博闻古今,学贯中西。同时来自各大国际组织、政府机关、企业机构高管团队的实践教授、客座教授、兼职教授更身体力行传授金融实务,助力学子知行一体,卓越至善。 目前,学院金融学(金融科技方向)本科、精英金融专业硕士、高阶金融专业硕士、金融MBA、金融EMBA、香港中文大学·复旦大学联合DBA项目均已重磅登场,高层管理教育公开课程和内训课程硕果累累,创新推出的复旦金融线上教育现已成为复旦大学的全新金色名片。与此同时,学院与哥伦比亚大学工程学院合作的双硕士学位项目正在全面推进,金融学博士项目也即将正式发布,进而打造中国最完整的国际化高端金融教育产品序列。 学院在复旦大学邯郸校区和上海市黄浦区设立两大院区,通过立足优势金融区位和建设一流硬件设施,蕴化浓郁金融学术文化的同时,充分服务政府机关、金融机构、企业组织的建设与发展,以及上海国际金融中心和全球科创中心等国家战略的规划与实施。

Beijing Frontier Institute of Regulation and Supervision Technology (FIRST)

Beijing FIRST is a non-profit, non-governmental research institute founded under the guidance of the Beijing Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau. Since its inception 2014, Beijing FIRST has been closely working with Beijing municipality and established itself as an active contributor to promoting Beijing’s Regulatory Technology (RegTech) development and strengthening its global leadership in Financial Technology (FinTech). The Institute is committed to conducting research on cutting-edge theories and practice of Fintech and RegTech, such as its “Global Fintech Hub Report” series, with a particular focus on China’s RegTech development. The integration of technology and its application in finance demands and nurtures cross-disciplinary talents, all of which empowers the development of both supervision technology (SupTech) and compliance technology (CompTech). As a sponsor of the China Forum of Regulatory Technology 50 (CRT50), Beijing FIRST offers a platform to promote capacity building, to facilitate knowledge sharing, and most importantly, to strengthen international collaboration amongst regulators, industry associations, financial service providers (FSPs), technology companies, and research institutes

北京前沿金融监管科技研究院 (FIRST)

北京前沿金融监管科技研究院(Frontier Institute of Regulation and Supervision Technology,简称FIRST)是由北京市地方金融监督管理局指导筹建的一家非官方、非营利性质的研究机构。研究院依托浙江大学互联网金融研究院自2014年11月成立以来在学科建设、国际化发展、政产学研创融合发展等方面积累的优势,积极与北京市开展合作,助力北京建设具有全球影响力的金融科技创新中心。研究院致力于开展适合我国国情的金融科技和监管科技前沿创新理论研究,发布“全球金融科技中心城市报告”,通过“科技+金融+应用”的聚集效应,提升“科技+监管”“科技+合规”的双向场景赋能。作为全球监管科技论坛秘书处,研究院通过国际交流与合作,构建监管机构、行业协会、金融企业、科技公司以及科研院所等各主体良性互动的平台,打造监管科技生态圈和金融科技发展生态圈。

金融科技研究院 (AIF)

浙江大学金融科技研究院(Academy of Internet Finance,简称“浙大AIF”),原为浙江大学互联网金融研究院,成立于2015 年4 月,在浙江大学社科院的指导下,在校经济学院、金融研究院和学校各部门的大力支持与帮助下,浙大AIF汇聚浙江大学经济、法学、管理、数学科学、计算机科学与技术、公共管理、国际联合商学院等学院的研究力量,开展跨学科研究,2019年被浙江省教育厅认定为“浙江省新型高校智库”。 浙大AIF在互联网与金融创新、互联网发展、互联网金融法律、互联网金融技术及互联网金融数学五个创始研究中心的基础上,成立了杭州研究中心、司南研究室、金融国际化研究室、观智国际金融科技研究室等多个专题研究室,并牵头建设浙江大学雄安发展研究中心金融科技实验室。

Academy of Internet Finance (AIF)

Academy of Internet Finance (AIF), Zhejiang University is headquartered in Hangzhou - one of the foremost FinTech hubs in China and the world. The first, and broadest, interdisciplinary research institute of its kind in China, AIF boasts the unrivaled connectivity with industry and government authorities, as it serves as the founding presidency of Zhejiang Association of Internet Finance, alongside Ant Financial, a global FinTech leader. AIF brings together the research strengths of the University's broadest areas of expertise in Economics, Law, Management, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science and Technology, and Public Administration, as well as domestic and international scholars, policy makers and industry experts to construct an interdisciplinary and globally-focused FinTech research ecosystem. The AIF at Zhejiang University has established a number of research hubs which focus on Internet finance from a variety of perspectives, promoting inter-disciplinary studies, including its Center for Internet Finance & Development, Center for Internet Finance Law, Center for Internet & Financial Innovation, Center for E-commerce and Mathematical Finance, Center for Internet Finance Technology as well as specialized labs such as Hangzhou Research Center, Blockchain Lab, Sinai Lab, Pension Lab International, Global Finance Lab, Global Fintech Lab and Entrepreneurial Finance Lab!
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